# mental status assessment
**mental status assessment**
behavior /affect (often thought of as the same as behavior, but for remembering it can be it's own thing)
thought content
Always check vision and hearing before proceeding with
mental status exam. (especially with older aduts!)
Unknown sensory deficits could result in an inaccurate
finding in MSE
## Level of Consciousness
(technically part of behavior, move down?)
[[level of consciousness]]
## Appearance
- Dress / grooming / hygiene
- Congruent to age
- Appropriate for occasion
- Culture may influence dress
- Older adults may wear more clothes due to cold intolerance
- Posture
- should be erect and relaxed
- Body movements
- Voluntary / deliberate / coordinated / smooth
## Behavior
- Awake & alert (LOC)
- Aware of environment
- Responds appropriately to questions
- Responds appropriately to environmental stimuli
- Eye contact / adjust for culture
- Facial expressions appropriate to situation / changes with context
## Speech
- Tone, clarity pace
- May be slower in older adults but should be clear and moderately paced
- If having difficulty, ask client to name objects in room or read something or write a sentence
- Quality of speech
- Able to articulate
- Makes sound effortlessly
- No dysphonia (like, hoarsness), dysphasia
## Cognition
- Orientation
- To person, place, time and events (time is usually lost first & person last)
- Aware of self and others / family at home
- Older adults may be confused in acute care / most know who they are and current month & year
- Attention span / able to concentrate
- May be impaired if anxious or fatigued
- Abstract reasoning
- Ask them to compare and contrast two objects
- Recent & remote memory
## Affect / Mood
- Observe body language
- Observe facial expression
- Appropriate and congruent to condition and situation or topic discussed
- if they just had bad news, it's normal that they'd have a sad affect
- Ask, "how are you feeling today?" and 'What are your plans for the future?"
- May use additional tools such as the geriatric depression scale or
- Normal for people to be cooperative
## Though Content & Process
- Observe for content and clarity
- Perception congruency
- "Tell me what your understanding is of.
- Identify self-injurious or suicidal thoughts
- Must not be ignored, and must be taken seriously
- Judgement
## Assessment Tools
- Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) Weber & Kelley p.92
- Geriatric Depression Scale (Weber & Kelley p. 824)
- Short Blessed Test (Weber & Kelley p.824)